Sunday 6 January 2013


Dreams. They are a phenomenon we know very little about. For years dreams have confused us, we know barely anything about them apart from the fact that they occur whilst you are asleep. When we are in our dreams we are living in a fantasy, everything becomes illogical and surreal. There have been many theory's on what dreams are and why they occur.
   Dreams are divided into eight different categories:
* Processing
* Venting (also known as 'nightmares')
* Integration
* Breakdown
* Recurring
* Precognitive
* Prophetic
* Wish Fulfillment
The two most common are recurring and venting. Recurring dreams is a dream that is experienced repeatedly over a long period of time. Many people who suffer from recurring dreams are often discharged war soldiers who dream of war. This could be a side effect of  post traumatic stress disorder which is often triggered by warfare, sudden death or terrorism.
   Venting is another common dream, but it is more commonly known as 'nightmares.' Wikipedia states a nightmare as "nightmare is an unpleasant dream that can cause a strong negative emotional response from the mind, typically fear or horror, but also despairanxiety and great sadness. The dream may contain situations of danger, discomfort, psychological or physical terror."
   So as you can see dreams are amazing yet terrifying phenomenon. This is why I have chosen to make my next collection  about 'Dreams.' I think this will make an extraordinary fashion collection. I will be inspired by what  I have researched as well as my own dreams which I am now recording in my Diary.

Thank You,
Connor Mclauchlan